Dear All, Do you remember the first time we meet, on the corner of the maze, in a country little pub, or on the same carriage... Most of two people will only meet once all their lif ... Read more » It said that you can make a wish when you saw the shooting star, but in my eyes, the shooting stars look like the tears of the sky... 无论怎样交换,命运的结局也是一样;人生不过是殊途同归的旅程,幸或是不幸,富贵或是贫穷,巅峰或是低谷,显赫或是衰弱,真与伪,好与坏,不过是以不同的方式等死——Fay · TNW Felix的天才范围理论
如果你的能力比同时代的人高出200%,那么你可以做领袖;如果你的能力比同时代的人高出500%,那么你会是个伟大的人;如果你的能力比同时代的人高出1000%,那么你也许因为生错了时代而活不下去…… Find the key of Space and Time, Whatever you r now happy or sad, rich or poor, high or low, be careful and keep yourself strong, do not let the fate choke you and break you down. I hope I will never feel hungry, cold, hurt, tired and lonely, I hope I will be stronger, strong enough to free myself |